what is Anime

What is Anime

Anime as a form of art originates in Japan. it is a form of animation that combines hand-drawn and computer-generated drawings.

it is often an adaptation of Japanese comics (manga), light novels, or video games. It is classified into many genres targeting broad audiences.

the term “anime” refers to Japanese-only animated films or shows. Anime stands out for its vibrant visuals, characters, and appealing themes like sci-fi, romance, and supernatural.

Important to Note: All anime shows are cartoons, but not all cartoons are anime.

The Art Style

The art associated with anime is distinctive and simple to recognize. You are undoubtedly familiar with other features like big eyes, untamable hair, long arms and legs, and other features. The characters may express their feelings in an exaggerated style.

Beyond its distinctive aesthetic. it has won viewers’ hearts with its complex characters and gripping storylines.

The Global Impact

Anime has gained massive popularity in Japan for centuries. And ever since the 90s, it became popular worldwide. It has acquired a Western fanbase. so much so that Western animation studios have created anime-inspired shows like Avatar the last Airbender.

Is Anime for Children?

No, it is not at least not all of it is.

Anime has various genres targeted toward different audiences: shounen, shoujo, seinen, josei.

  • Shounen targets young teen males (from 12 to 18 years old).
  • Shoujo targets young females (from 7 to 18 years old).
  • Seinen targets adult males (from 18 to 45 years old).
  • Josei targets more adult females (from 18 to 45 years old).
